The circular dichroism spectra of bakers' yeast L-lactate dehydrogenase and some of its derivatives (without flavin andlor heme) have been investigated in order to obtain some information about the interactions between the prosthetic chromophores or between these chromophores and the protein moiety.The following derivatives were studied: (a) the cytochrome b, (flavohemoprotein), (b) the apocytochrome b, (following FMN removal), (c) the noyau cytochromique b, (low molecular weight core isolated following proteolytic degradation), (d) the apo-noyau cytochromique b, (obtained by removal of the heme from the latter).It is shown that the circular dichroism spectra of the protein moieties in the ultraviolet region I n conclusion there appears to be no prosthetic group-protein interaction detectable by circular dichroism measurements, i. e. no important modification of the peptide bond geometry occurs when the flavin is removed from the enzyme or when the oxido-reduction state of the heme is varied. However, a strong effect is exerted by the flavin on the symmetry of the heme environment, this effect being probably an indirect one, via the protein moiety, as discussed in this paper.