Combing Elliott, Gong, Lin and Niu's result and Castillejos and Evington's result, we see that if A is a simple separable nuclear monotracial C * -algebra, then A ⊗ W is isomorphic to W where W is the Razak-Jacelon algebra. In this paper, we give another proof of this. In particular, we show that if D is a simple separable nuclear monotracial M 2 ∞ -stable C * -algebra which is KK-equivalent to {0}, then D is isomorphic to W without considering tracial approximations of C * -algebras with finite nuclear dimension. Our proof is based on Matui and Sato's technique, Schafhauser's idea in his proof of the Tikuisis-White-Winter theorem and properties of Kirchberg's central sequence C * -algebra F (D) of D. Note that some results for F (D) is based on Elliott-Gong-Lin-Niu's stable uniqueness theorem. Also, we characterize W by using properties of F (W). Indeed, we show that a simple separable nuclear monotracial C * -algebra D is isomorphic to W if and only if D satisfies the following properties: (i) for any θ ∈ [0, 1], there exists a projection p in F (D) such that τ D,ω (p) = θ, (ii) if p and q are projections in F (D) such that 0 < τ D,ω (p) = τ D,ω (q), then p is Murray-von Neumann equivalent to q, (iii) there exists a homomorphism from D to W.