Both Hurler(lH) and Scheie(lS) diseases (McKusick 25280) are caused by a deficiency of a-L-iduronidase (EC To explain their widely different phenotypes McKusick et al. (1972) suggested that the abnormal genes Hand S are allelic. A compound form was postulated (HIS) and at least 33 such cases have been reported (Roubicek et al., 1985). Amongst such HIS compound cases the frequency of parental consanguinity should be no higher than in the general population. However, five instances of parental consanguinity amongst HIS cases have been reported suggesting a third allelic mutant. We describe a further case with HIS phenotype whose parents were related.
PATIENTA 15-year-old girl, whose parents were first cousins once removed, presented with symptoms of tiring easily, stiff joints, frequent colds, breathlessness on exertion, post-exertional muscle stiffness, difficulty in wearing teenage skirts and poor eyesight. Past medical history included operations for congenital dislocation of hip (age 2 years), umbilical hernia (age 6) and grommets in both ears (age 8). Investigations elsewhere for mild 'spasticity' in the legs (age 10) had shown a normal CT scan of head, normal myelogram and slightly raised CSF protein content (80mgdL-l). Menarche had occurred at the age of 11 years and her periods had been regular.On examination (Figure 1) she had hypertelorism, a short neck, pixielike facies with receding chin and short stature (144cm; -3 SD). Genital and axillary hair was sparse; breast development was normal. There was clinical evidence of aortic stenosis, hepatomegaly (down to level of anterior superior iliac spine), conductive deafness, lumbar lordosis, genu val gum and severe restriction of all movements of shoulders. Reflexes in the legs were brisk but there was no gross spasticity or muscle weakness and plantar reflexes were flexor. Sensation was intact. Blood pressure was 98178. Corrected visual acuity was 6112 (R) and 6/18 (L). Bilateral swelling of optic disc margins was present with a focal intra-retinal infiltrate present below the left disc. The cornea appeared clear.