Aims. We study the spatial clustering of 632 (1130) XMM-COSMOS Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) with known spectroscopic (spectroscopic or photometric) redshifts in the range z = [0.1 − 2.5] in order to measure the AGN bias and estimate the typical mass of the hosting dark matter (DM) halo as a function of AGN host galaxy properties. We create AGN subsamples in terms of stellar mass M * and specific black hole accretion rate L X /M * , to probe how AGN environment depends on these quantities. Further, we derive the M * − M halo relation for our sample of XMM-COSMOS AGNs and compare it to results in literature for normal non-active galaxies. Methods. We measure the projected two-point correlation function w p (r p ) using both the classic and the generalized clustering estimator based on photometric redshifts as probability distribution functions in addition to any available spectroscopic redshifts. We measure the large-scale (r p 1 h −1 Mpc) linear bias b by comparing the clustering signal to that expected of the underlying DM distribution. The bias is then related to the typical mass of the hosting halo M halo of our AGN subsamples. Since M * and L X /M * are correlated, we match the distribution in terms of one quantity, while split the distribution in the other. Results. For the full spectroscopic AGN sample, we measure a typical DM halo mass of log(M halo /h −1 M ⊙ ) = 12.79 +0.26 −0.43 , similar to galaxy group environments and in line with previous studies for moderate-luminosity X-ray selected AGN. We find no significant dependence on specific accretion rate L X /M * , with log(M halo /h −1 M ⊙ ) = 13.06 +0.23 −0.38 and log(M halo /h −1 M ⊙ ) = 12.97 +0.39 −1.26 for low and high L X /M * subsamples, respectively. We also find no difference in the hosting halos in terms of M * with log(M halo /h −1 M ⊙ ) = 12.93 +0.31 −0.62 (low) and log(M halo /h −1 M ⊙ ) = 12.90 +0.30 −0.62 (high). By comparing the M * − M halo relation derived for XMM-COSMOS AGN subsamples with what is expected for normal non-active galaxies by abundance matching and clustering results, we find that the typical DM halo mass of our high M * AGN subsample is similar to that of non-active galaxies. However, AGNs in our low M * subsample are found in more massive halos than non-active galaxies. By excluding AGNs in galaxy groups from the clustering analysis, we find evidence that the result for low M * may be due a larger fraction of AGNs as satellites in massive halos.