The electrostatic precipitator system of the lignite fired 350 MWe unit B1 of Thermal Power Plant Kostolac B has been modernized during 2014. The results of complex in site measurements, performed in the frame of performance control test at the beginning of the exploitation period of the upgraded electrostatic precipitator proved that, under normal and guarantee working conditions of the boiler and precipitator, the emission of particulate matter do not exceed limiting value. After the period of precipitator further adjustments, five series of measurements in the frame of acceptance test were performed in accordance with relevant standards. This paper presents results of the investigation of particulate matter concentration, laboratory analysis of the lignite, fly and bottom ash samples, working parameters of the unit and upgraded electrostatic precipitator as well as results of the calculations. The averaged mean particulate concentration at the exit of upgraded electrostatic precipitator of the unit B1 during Acceptance test was below guaranteed value. It is confirmed that adjustments of electrostatic precipitator electrical parameters have improved electrostatic precipitator efficiency, as well that electrostatic precipitatorcould work highly efficiently in energy save mode with lower power consumption.