“…The legal basis for European asylum policy is enshrined in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Art� 67 (2) and 78; EU, 2012) and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Art� 18;EU, 2000) with strong reference to core international legal instruments in this area, the Geneva Convention of 1951, the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees of 1967, and the non-refoulement principle� The legal instruments consist of directives, regulations and decisions that cover many issues and that in most cases provide answers to emerging prob-lems and issues� Most recent are the European Council decisions and proposed regulations that addressed the European migration crisis� EU secondary law has a profound impact on national asylum policy, since it must be transposed to domestic legislation in the context of procedures, reception, treatment, and protection of refugees� The member states' close cooperation on asylum is framed by the Lisbon Treaty, which transformed the measures on asylum into a common policy� Institutional. While from a legal point of view the milestone for European asylum policy was the Treaty of Lisbon, from an institutional point of view the milestone was the Treaty of Amsterdam, which shifted visa, immigration and asylum policy from the EU's intergovernmental third pillar to the first pillar and provided EU institutions with new competencies in asylum and migration policy� The Lisbon Treaty changed the way the Council of the European Union decides in the immigration and asylum area from the unanimity required by the Treaty of Nice to qualified majority voting� That is, individual member states have no veto power on asylum and immigration and must accept decisions even if they are contrary to their interests� What is more, the institutional dimension of European Asylum policy is strongly influenced by the interplay between supranational and national governance (Nancheva, 2015;Langford, 2013)� While member states are bound by European regulations, they are reluctant to further "Europeanize" asylum due to their fears of losing sovereign control over such a sensitive issue as immigration� Functional. The aim of EU asylum policy is to harmonize asylum procedures in member states by establishing common asylum arrangements� This work was initiated in 1999� During the next six years (1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005), several legislative measures harmonizing common minimum standards for asylum were adopted� These include the Temporary Protection Directive that allowed for a common EU response to a mass influx of displaced people unable to return to their country of origin (EU, 2001) and the creation of the European Refugee Fund (EU, 2007) aimed at strengthening financial solidarity between member states� The establishment of the new common European asylum system -CEAS 1 -was completed in 2013 with the adoption of the amended Dublin Regulation and the Regulation on Eurodac -European Dactyloscopy� European regional governance also includes the protection of the EU's external border� Despite the fact the main responsibility still rests with states, some competencies in this area have been granted to Frontex� Its main responsibility is to facilitate cooperation between border authorities in member states� While n...…”