This study examines whether and where bureaucratic representation occurs within the bureaucratic hierarchy and how intergovernmental representation contributes to government efforts to reduce social disparities and improve gender-related outcomes. The context is the national/central, ministerial, and regional governments of the United Republic of Tanzania for 14 years (2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015)(2016)(2017)(2018)(2019). The findings reveal that gender representation at the upper level of government plays a primary role in reducing poverty, but its impact on women's socioeconomic status, i.e., women's education and unemployment rate, is limited within the study context. The findings also highlight that the existence and the impact of intergovernmental representation depend on the primary missions of the government at different levels, policy outcomes of interest, and social contexts where identities are constructed and interpreted. This study claims that the potential interdependence of bureaucratic representation across multiple government agencies and institutions deserves more attention in the representative bureaucracy scholarship.
Evidence for Practice• A gender-representative government at different levels creates a synergistic effect on reducing poverty and women's disadvantage. • In a developing country, gender representation at the upper levels of government plays a primary role in reducing poverty; and yet has a limited effect on improving gender equality. • The benefits for women may be marginal when a government focuses only on the numeric increase of women in government rather than on enhancing women's rights and socioeconomic status overall.