Taking into account the need to provide the city’s population with green areas in accordance with the European program “Green City”, there is a problem of the formation of large volumes of plant residues that need to be utilized. At the same time, the cultivation of green infrastructure elements on urban soils requires of fertilizer. The analysis of existing systems for the management of fallen leaves in different countries, including Ukraine, was carried out and the creation of a municipal infrastructure for the disposal of in-situ organic waste of plant origin in the context of the circular economy was proposed. The author’s technology for the creation of municipal infrastructure for the disposal of organic waste of plant origin for different urban landscapes. The effectiveness of using plant waste to form the initial substrate for the creation of composts and vermicomposts was investigated. The volumes of phytomass formation from fallen leaves in the green zones of administrative districts and the city as a whole, as well as in household plots with different vegetation composition were calculated. On the basis of the data obtained, a SWOT analysis was made of the implementation of the program utilization of plant waste.