The Bengawan Solo river basin in Central Java Province, Indonesia, has a great history from era to era. But there are still issues with its current management system. Because of that, this paper aims to analyze issues in the management policies of the Bengawan Solo river basin. This is empirical legal research with qualitative analysis. The data were collected through interviews with informants who manage the Bengawan Solo river basin, from the Bengawan Solo River Management Office (RMO), the Environmental Service of Sukoharjo, Surakarta, and Karanganyar Regencies, as well as people who live around the Bengawan Solo river. Research showed that issues that concern the Bengawan Solo river basin are: (1) river basin pollution due to textile waste that is illegally disposed of in the river, and (2) there is a lack of regional regulations that are specially made to manage river basins. Based on the issues faced by the Bengawan Solo river basin, there needs to be a change in the policies on river basin management. There should be a special regulation on the Bengawan Solo river basin area. Apart from that, the Bengawan Solo river basin management should be changed into more effective management patterns.