. Can. J. Chem. 66, 1641 (1988). The long-range spin-spin coupling constant over six bonds between the "F nucleus and the I3C nucleus in the side chain, 6~( C ,~) , is reported for 4--F--C6H4-X-R, where X = 0 , S and R = CH3, CH2CH3, CH(CH3)? and C(CH3),. 6~(~,~) depends on sin2 0, where 0 is the angle by which the side chain twists out-of-plane about the C, -X bond. Expectation values of sin2 0 are obtained from 6~(C,F), yielding magnitudes of the apparent twofoldbarrier to rotation about the CW2-X bond. In these terms, the most stable conformation is that for 0 = 0" for all compounds, with the exception of R = C(CH3)3 and of X = S, R = CH(CH3)'; there is effectively free rotation about the C,r--S bond in isopropyl4-fluorophenyl sulfide in acetone-d6 solution. Good correlations exist between 6~( C ,~) and a number of other molecular properties, including certain differences of ionization potentials of the molecular orbitals in the ethers. In particular, the chemical shifts of C-4 are correlated with 6~( C ,~) . Because J(C,C), the coupling constant involving C-4, also depends on sin' 0, it is measured for the methyl and ethyl selenides and tellurides, as are other l3C,I3C couplings involving a I3C nucleus in the side chain. The literature values for the I3C nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts in alkyl phenyl selenides and tellurides can be related to 0 preferences and also allow estimates of the extrema in 'J(C,C). The resultant values of arcsin (sin' 0)"' for R = CH3 are in good agreement with estimates of 0 obtained from electron diffraction patterns, photoelectron spectra, and nuclear magnetic resonance in the nematic phase.