Purpose -The purpose of the present study was to analyze the eff ect of fl exibility and interactivity on perceived utilitarian value and hedonic value, ultimately determining the satisfaction level of e-commerce users.Design/Methodology/Approach -Data were analyzed by using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 18. A sample of e-commerce users were taken by using the incidental sampling technique. A total of 650 respondents participated, forming the sample and the usable size was 415 after the screening process.Findings and implications -First: fl exibility (navigation, comfort, and the substitutability of personal examination) had an eff ect on utilitarian value, but not hedonic value; second, interactivity (controllability, synchronicity, and bi-directionality) had an eff ect on utilitarian value and hedonic value; third, perceived value had an eff ect on satisfaction. E-tailers should allocate their resources appropriately, combining the qualities Sažetak Svrha -Svrha istraživanja jest analizirati učinak prilagodljivosti i interaktivnosti na percipiranu utilitarnu vrijednost i hedonističku vrijednost, a kako bi se u konačnici odredila razina zadovoljstva korisnika elektroničkog trgovanja.Metodološki pristup -Podaci su analizirani primjenom modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM) sa softverom AMOS 18. Korisnici elektroničke trgovine u uzorak su birani slučajnim odabirom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 650 ispitanika, a nakon što su prošli inicijalnu provjeru, 415 upitnika iskorišteno je za analizu.Rezultati i implikacije -Prvo: prilagodljivost (navigacija, udobnost, zamjenjivost osobnog ispitivanja) imaju učinak na utilitarnu, ali ne i na hedonističku vrijednost; drugo: interaktivnost (mogućnost kontroliranja, usklađenost i dvosmjernost) imaju učinak na utilitarnu vrijednost i na hedonističku vrijednost; treće, perci- of utilitarian and hedonic values on their website proportionally (powerfully and stylishly) well to improve the overall perceived value. When a company has limited resources, the trade-off of utilitarian and hedonic values should be well-considered. For example, adding more interesting and easy-to-understand features, such as a more fl exible and interactive live chat, would make it easier for consumers to select products/services as if performing off -line transactions.Limitations -Despite the justifi cation in the literature for using ethnicity-and region-based samples in Indonesia for Internet-related studies, those samples may not refl ect the actual overall population of online consumers worldwide.Originality -This paper develops an interactivity model by adding the fl exibility construct to increase the perceived value in e-commerce supported by the latest literature and some important recommendations for further research.Keywords -Flexibility, interactivity, utilitarian value, hedonic value, satisfaction pirana vrijednost ima učinak na zadovoljstvo. Elektroničke bi prodavaonice trebale usmjeriti resurse na odgovarajući način kombinirajući podjednako dobro kvalite...