The net effect of the small scale magnetic field on the Sun's (bolometric) brightness is studied with realistic 3D MHD simulations. The direct effect of brightening within the magnetic field itself is consistent with measurements in high-resolution observations. The high "photometric accuracy" of the simulations, however, reveal compensating brightness effects that are hard to detect observationally. The influence of magnetic concentrations on the surrounding nonmagnetic convective flows (a "proximity effect") reduces the brightness by an amount exceeding the brightening by the magnetic concentrations themselves. The net photospheric effect of the small scale field (≈−0.34% at a mean flux density of 50 G) is thus negative. We conclude that the main contribution to the observed positive correlation between the magnetic field and total solar irradiance must be magnetic dissipation in layers around the temperature minimum and above (not included in the simulations). This agrees with existing inferences from observations. Key words. convection -magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) -methods: numerical -Sun: granulation -Sun: surface magnetismSun: photosphere
Brightness variation of the SunThe brightness of the Sun (total solar irradiance at earth orbit, TSI) varies over its 11 yr magnetic cycle, by an amount of order 0.08% (cf. Fröhlich 2006). Such a variation is too small to have a direct effect on the Earth's climate, even if in addition to the 11 yr cyclic variation there were a systematic effect of this order sustained over centuries. Direct measurements of the Sun's global output (with space-based instruments) have only been available for the past 30 years, however. A systematic trend over this period, if present, is below the variation between individual cycles. This has raised the question whether the cause of variation is understood well enough to extrapolate the effects detected so far to longer time scales in the past and into the future.The mechanisms by which magnetic fields influence the brightness of the solar surface have been known qualitatively for several decades (Spruit 1977, hereafter S77;Chiang & Foukal 1983;Spruit 1991). Detailed quantitative understanding has now become possible through advances in realistic 3D numerical MHD simulations of magnetic surface structures, such as sunspots and small sale magnetic fields structures (Carlsson et al. 2004;Keller et al. 2004;Steiner 2005;Pietarila Graham et al. 2009).Magnetic brightness changes of both signs are present (reduction in spots and pores, increase in small structures); their net effect on TSI cancels to about 80%, with a small positive increase remaining. Since there is no theory for what determines the relative surface coverage of dark and bright magnetic structure, the current theoretical understanding of brightness mechanisms is still insufficient for extrapolations of the TSI record.Irrespective of this uncertainty, a good estimate of the brightness of the small scale magnetic field, as the main contributor to TSI variation, is called for....