“…In the majority of the cases, the colour did not stayed in the extralinguistic reality, but did passed also to the language since "all phraseologically related meanings are connotative, that is, they reflect images of the real world indirectly. They verbalize images with lexemes, adding some personal emotions and assessments and including figurative representations" (Kuprieva et al, 2019: 36): the blood is red what gave origin to naming units like cuerpo rojo (red corpuscule) red symbolizes angeran angry person has a red face, e. g. estar rojo como un tomate (to be red as a tomato) in Christianity the red is the symbol of the bloodshed of the martyrs historically, red or purple were considered royal or ceremonial colours red symbolizes love, passion, erotics (red rose, red St. Valentine´s heart) it symbolizes the socialistic parties, mostly communistic (red party) in book-keeping, depth or loss were/are highlighted with red colour (red numbers) the Red Crossinternational voluntary health organization the red Khmeresoriginally a rebellious guerrilla units in the Cambodia camps, later, since 1960, name for the communistic party in Cambodia the Red Army of the former Soviet Union red flag with multiple meanings: 1. in the History as a symbol of defiance, 2. in the time of the French Revolution symbol of patriotism, 3. after the Great October Socialist Revolution the Soviet government adopted the red flag with hammer and grass-hook as their national flag (Kvapil, 2012), 4. the red flag as a warranty symbol of swimming in a sea (Spisiakova, 2016) the lexical units in Spanish as alerta roja (emergency), teléfono rojo (hot line) or números rojos (red numbers) belong to the common semantic field of EMERGENCY (Mockova, 2017) red signalizes the change of the colour of the human skin (especially of the face or parts of it) due to the influence of strong negative emotions, mostly anger, but also shame or cold, what led to numerous comparative constructions like: "rojo + como + noun" or "más + rojo + que + noun" (Mocková, 2017, 2018) red means "stop" in traffic signals red colouring as symptom of a plenty of diseases, e.g. red eyes, red throat, red pickles or spots on the skin, etc.…”