John Field was a brilliant experimental physicist who made major contributions to the physics and chemistry of solids. His research interests spanned a very wide range of topics, most of them involving energetic phenomena. These areas included the strength properties of solids, fracture growth, impact and erosion phenomena, shock physics, reactivity of solids, explosive initiation, lasers, acoustics and medical physics. Within the Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group in the Cavendish Laboratory, he developed the best-equipped high-speed camera facility in any university in Europe, including seven that achieved frame rates in excess of 10
frames per second. In addition to the cameras, extensive use was made of ultrasonics, optical and electron microscopy, mass spectroscopy and thermal techniques. He played an important national role in advising the Ministry of Defence on a wide range of topics in energetic phenomena and materials science, which led to practical engineering solutions. He was an outstanding supervisor of doctoral students, who remember him fondly.