Let t → A(t) for t ∈ T be a C M -mapping with values unbounded operators with compact resolvents and common domain of definition which are self-adjoint or normal. Here C M stands for C ω (real analytic), a quasianalytic or non-quasianalytic Denjoy-Carleman class, C ∞ , or a Hölder continuity class C 0,α . The parameter domain T is either R or R n or an infinite dimensional convenient vector space. We prove and review results on C M -dependence on t of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A(t).
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). 26C10, 26E10, 47A55.Keywords. Perturbation theory, differentiable choice of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Denjoy-Carleman ultradifferentiable functions.
Theorem. Let t → A(t) for t ∈ T be a parameterized family of unbounded operators in a Hilbert space H with common domain of definition and with compact resolvent. If t ∈ T = R and all A(t) are self-adjoint then the following holds: (A) If A(t) is real analytic in t ∈ R, then the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of A(t) can be parameterized real analytically in t. (B) If A(t) is quasianalytic of class C Q in t ∈ R, then the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of A(t) can be parameterized C Q in t. (C) If A(t) is non-quasianalytic of class C L in t ∈ R and if no two differentcontinuously parameterized eigenvalues (e.g., ordered by size) meet of infinite order at any t ∈ R, then the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors ofand if no two different continuously parameterized eigenvalues meet of infinite order at any t ∈ R, then the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of A(t) can be parameterized C ∞ in t.