Research ArticleThe success of an army depends on the presence of advanced weapons and means of warfare, an effective command chain, a functional institutional structure, an established management climate, and a well-trained sense of obedience to meet the demands of the modern age as a whole. No matter how advanced the warfare, weapons, tools and equipment are, there will be no success without the devoted, well-trained, stout-hearted soldiers who will use those systems. Just like a football club that lacks the team spirit of the world's best stars on the field, the best coaches and professionals such as technical boards, material suppliers or the club doctor sitting on the bench, the most enthusiastic fans in the stands cannot provide a masterstroke. Even an army consisting of the most well-trained soldiers with the latest technology in warfare, weapons and vehicles cannot be successful if the spirit of companionship is not established, hearts are not united for a common ideal. The concept of the friendship of arms is a reflection of the spiritual atmosphere of an army, a harmonic instrument that makes an army real and gives it the strength it needs. The friendship of arms is a shared set of ideals, the law of brotherhood, the honor of men and of a nation that is matured, cooked and shaped in the flesh and bones in the hearts of its soldiers. Officers are the sworn guards of the honor and good name of the armies and nations they belong to. They are the veins and the backbone of their armies, which feed the brains and the hearts of the people. This study considers the principles regarding the administration and management of the Armed Forces, the management climate, the necessary qualifications of officers, the concepts of commander and leadership and the issues that need to be emphasized in the training of officers, the army and the notion of leadership through an axiological paradigm and normative criteria.