ABSTRACT. Cylindrical sa mples of ice with 0.0 to 0.35 volume fraction fine sand were tested in un confin ed un iaxial compression at stresses between 5.3 and 6.4 bar and a t tem peratures between -7.4 a nd -9.4° C. Secondary c reep ra tes were obtained from the slope 0(' the total stra in vs. time curve and were normalized to 5.6 bar and -g. 1 0 C. Creep rates in ice with low sand concentra tions were in some cases bigber a nd in otber cases lower tban in clean ice. H owever at high er sand concentrations the creep rate decreases exponentiall y with inc reasing volu me frac tion sa nd . Tbe la tter results a re in general agreement with theories d eveloped to expla in dispersion hard ening of metals, and suggest tbat eac h sand grain is surrounded by a tangled network of second ar y disloca tions which impede passage of prima ry glide dislocations. R ESUME. FIlIage de la glace con tenant un sable fin en dispersion. On a tes te d es ec han tillo ns cylindriques de glace contenant 0,0 a. 0,35 fois son volume de sabl e fin en les soumettant a une compression uniaxia le comprise entre 5,3 et 6,4 bar et a un e temperature comprise entre -7,4 et -9,4° C. La vitesse de Auage second a ire fut o btenue a. partir de la pente de la courbe d onn an t la deform a ti on to tale en fon ction du tem ps et fut normalisee a. donn er la vitesse a. 5,6 bar e t -g, 1 0 C. L es vitesses d e Auage dans la glace a. fa ible concentration