The work is devoted to the study of the impact of migration processes of Ukrainians to Poland on the development of the two countries. Based on the study of scientific sources and the authors' own re-search, the reasons of Ukrainian migration on the Polish vector are summarized in the form of Ishikawa diagram. The reasons for the migration of Ukrainians to Poland are classified by economic, political, social and professional aspects. The current state of migration of Ukrainians to Poland is analyzed using official Polish statistics, sociological research, as well as a survey of Ukrainian migrants conducted by the authors. Two main aspects of migration processes in the Ukrainian-Polish direction are identified: migration with the purpose of employment and education. An annual growth of the number of Ukraini-ans obtaining a work permit in Poland; employment of Ukrainian migrants in various spheres of the Polish economy; rejuvenation of Ukrainian migration; increasing popularity of Polish universities among Ukrainian graduates; increasing share of people who want to integrate into Polish society was detected. The impact of migration processes on the economic development of Ukraine and Poland has been assessed. Both positive and negative consequences for both countries are highlighted. Positive im-pact for Ukraine is an increase in money transfers, reduction of unemployment, return of part of the la-bor force with new knowledge and experience; while positive income for Poland is GDP growth, accel-eration of economic development, filling vacancies, stimulation of consumer demand, reduction of the average market rates of wages, supporting the development of educational institutions. Ukrainian econ-omy is negatively affected in the form of a slowdown in economic development, loss of valuable labor potential, sectoral asymmetries in the labor market, additional government spending on training new professionals, etc.; while in the Polish economy, the probability of unemployment rate growth increases, competition increases between migrants and the local population, who start looking for work in another country, conflicts may arise, etc. Measures aimed at improving the regulation of migration processes to deter emigration and return of migrants, which are consolidated by the areas of change in the country, stimulating business, stimulating workers, are justified.