Abstract. orthorhombic, Pmab, a= 21.962 (2), b = 17.763 (2), c= 3.9165 (3),/k, V---1527.9 (3) A 3, Z= 1, Din= 5.61 (1), Dx= 5.664 (1) g cm -3, 2(Mo Ka) = 0.7107 ,/~, /t(Mo Ka) = 241 cm -l, F(000) = 2292.7, T= 293 K, R = 0.058 for 936 independent reflexions. The structure is built up of pentagonal columns connected to each other directly and via a string of MO 6 octahedra, running parallel to the c axis. Large tunnels with an S-shaped cross section are formed, in which the Na atoms are statistically distributed. Four of the five heavy-atom sites are randomly occupied by Nb and W; the fifth entirely by Nb. X-ray and electron diffraction experiments indicate that the K and Ag analogues are isostructural. HREM images of the K compound confirm the structure.