Crystals of the (1:1) 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane-naphthalene compound are triclinic, with one unit of the complex in a unit cell of dimensions a = 8.216 (1), b = 7.807 (1), c = 7.873 (1)/~ and 0c = 120.34 (1), fl= 92.22 (1), y = 96.63 (1) °. The structure was solved from three-dimensional precession diffractometer data, with Patterson methods, and was refined to a conventional R=0.062 and weighted r=0-038. TCNQ and naphthalene are alternately stacked along the [001] direction; however, their best planes deviate very significantly from the parallel arrangement so frequently observed in (1:1) compounds consisting of planar molecules and forming mixed stacks. The molecular geometries of TCNQ and naphthalene agree very well with those observed in the uncomplexed molecules. Both molecules are well ordered and the observed packing arrangement appears to be conditioned mainly by van der Waals and dipole-dipole interactions. Calculated energy profiles indicate that the observed librational motion of the molecules reflects usual packing restrictions.