1359 radii (vanadium, 0.74 A) total about 0.10/k more than those for the Fe-O separation yet the observed mean value for the V-O separation is 1.981 A. This value suggests that the V-O bond is more covalent than the corresponding Fe-O bond. (Values for V-O separation in vanadyl(IV) bisacetylacetonate and bisbenzoylacetonate have been determined to be near 1.97 A by Pfluger (1968); no other trivalent V-O separations are known to the authors.)For two of the three chelate rings, the vanadium ion in the ~ form lies in the least-squares plane formed by the five atoms of the 2,4-pentanedione ring. Only the ring atoms are included in calculation of the leastsquares plane because steric effects from crystal packing appear systematically to affect methyl groups in isomorphous sets of 2,4-pentanedione compounds (Morosin, 1967). A comparison of the corresponding values found in Fe(Acac)3 and c~-V(Acac)3 is given in Table 5. In both of these, it is clear that the metal ion lies off the least-squares plane in only one of the rings. For fl-V(Acac)3 the metal ion lies off the plane for all three chelate rings. Since the structures of the Ga, In or Sc analogs have not been reported, one is not able to invoke packing effects for the fl form. Fig. 3 illustrates the anisotropic thermal parameters for the two forms of V(Acac)3. In general the root mean square amplitudes are greater along directions perpendicular to the planes formed by the chelate rings than along chemical bonds. However, short contact separations between C(3x) and C(3x) on different molecules in c¢-V(Acac)3 and between C(2x) and C(12) as well as between C(2x) and C(3x) on different molecules in fl-V(Acac)3 account for part of the departures from the expected directions of the thermal ellipsoids. An X-ray crystal structure analysis of triclinic thiamine pyrophosphate is reported. The space group is Pi with a= 13-42, b= 12-24, c= 15-57/~, ~=56°20 ', fl=95°46 ', y=90°25' and with two molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure and molecular conformation differ from those of monoclinic thiamine pyrophosphate hydrochloride. The parameters of both the thiamine and pyrophosphate portions of the molecule are in general agreement with parameters of related crystal structures. The structure possesses layer-type characteristics and there is some evidence for end-to-end hydrogen bonding of the pyrophosphate groups, the oxygen atoms of which are in the staggered conformation.The structure was solved by use of the three-dimensional Patterson function and successive partial Fourier syntheses of electron density, and refined to an R value of 27.9% on 4920 non-zero observed reflexions.