In order to explore the possible physical quantities for judging different structures of the newly observed resonance d à ð2380Þ, we study its electromagnetic form factors. In addition to the electric charge monopole C0, we calculate its electric quadrupole E2, magnetic dipole M1, and magnetic octupole M3 form factors on the base of the realistic coupled ΔΔ þ C 8 C 8 channel dà wave function with both the S-and D-partial waves. The results show that the magnetic dipole moment and electric quadrupole deformation of d à are 7.602 and 2.53 × 10 −2 fm 2 , respectively. The calculated magnetic dipole moment in the naive constituent quark model is also compared with the result of D 12 π picture. By comparing with partial results where the d à state is considered with a single ΔΔ and with a D 12 π structures, we find that in addition to the charge distribution of d à , the magnetic dipole moment and magnetic radius can be used to discriminate different structures of d à . Moreover, a quite small electric quadrupole deformation indicates that d à is more inclined to a slightly oblate shape due to our compact hexaquark dominated structure of d à .