Simultaneous multithreading processors dynamically share processor resources between multiple threads. In general, shared SMT resources may be managed explicitly, e.g. by dynamically setting queue occupation bounds for each thread as in the DCRA and Hill-Climbing policies. Alternatively, resources may be managed implicitly, i.e. resource usage is controlled by placing the desired instruction mix in the resources. In this case, the main resource management tool is the instruction fetch policy which must predict the behavior of each thread (branch mispredictions, long-latency loads, etc.) as it fetches instructions. In this paper, we present the use of Speculative Instruction Window Weighting (SIWW) to bridge the gap between implicit and explicit SMT fetch policies. SIWW estimates for each thread the amount of outstanding work in the processor pipeline. Fetch proceeds for the thread with the least amount of work left. SIWW policies are implicit as fetch proceeds for the thread with the least amount of work left. They are also explicit as maximum resource allocation can also be set. SIWW can use and combine virtually any of the indicators that were previously proposed for guiding the instruction fetch policy (number of in-flight instructions, number of low confidence branches, number of predicted cache misses, etc.). Therefore, SIWW is an approach to designing SMT fetch policies, rather than a particular fetch policy. Targeting fairness or throughput is often contradictory and a SMT scheduling policy often optimizes only one performance metric at the sacrifice of the other metric. Our simulations show that the SIWW fetch policy can achieve at the same time state-of-the-art throughput, state-of-the-art fairness and state-of-the-art harmonic performance mean.
Managing SMT Resource Usage through Speculative Instruction Window WeightingRésumé : Les processeurs SMT partagent les ressources du processeur dynamiquementà l'exécution entre les différents processus. Dans ce rapport, nous présentons une nouvelle politique d'allocation de ressources entre les processus qui permetà la fois un très haut débit et une distributionéquitable des ressources.
Mots-clés : Multiflot excution simultanée