In this paper, we construct an undecidable 3-variable superintuitionistic propositional calculus, i.e., a finitely axiomatizable extension of the intuitionistic propositional calculus with axioms containing only 3 variables. Since there are no 2-variable superintuitionistic propositional calculi, this is the minimal possible number of variables.transforms s, m, n into t, m + 1, n , and the instruction s → t, −1, 0 / u, 0, 0 transforms s, m, n into t, m − 1, n if m > 0 and into (u, m, n) if m = 0. The meaning of the others is defined analogously.Let M be a Minsky machine, then the notation s, m, n M −→ t, k, l means that the configuration t, k, l is obtained from s, m, n by applying an instruction of machine M once. We write s, m, n M =⇒ t, k, l if the configuration t, k, l is obtained from s, m, n by applying instructions of machine M in finitely many steps (possibly, in 0 steps). Particularly, we always have s, m, n M =⇒ s, m, n . The configuration problem for a Minsky machine M and a configuration s, m, n is, given a configuration t, k, l , to determine whether s, m, n M =⇒ t, k, l .Theorem 3.2 (Minsky, [11]). There exist a Minsky machine M and a configuration s, m, n for which the configuration problem is undecidable.Let M be a Minsky machine and s 0 , m 0 , n 0 a configuration for which the configuration problem is undecidable.