It is useful to differentiate between thrust belts that are related to east@)-dipping or westo-dipping subduction. More precisely, these either follow or resist the overall 'eastward' mantle flow detected by the hot-spot reference frame. Because of the overall 'westward' drift of the lithosphere we find in E-dipping subduction that the basal decollement underlying the eastern plate reaches the surface and involves deep crustal rocks. With W-dipping subduction, however, we find that the basal decollement of the eastern plate is warped as well as subducted. Consequently thrust belts related to E-(or NE-) dipping subduction show conspicuous structural and morphologic relief, involve deep crustal rocks, and are associated yith shallow foredeeps. On the other hand, thrust belts related to W-(or SW-) dipping subduction show relatively low structural and morphological relief, involve only shallow upper crustal rocks and are associated with deep foredeeps as well as back-arc extension. The accretionary wedge-foredeep-back-arc basin association is visualized as'an overall eastward propagating tectonic wave. The accretionary wedge forms in the frontal parts and generally below sea-level. This is followed by forward migrating extension that Struct. Ceol., 14 (I), 29-40. Cadek 0. and Ricard Y. (1992) Toroidd Poloidal Energy Partitioning and Global Lithospheric Rotation during Cenozoic Time, in press. Cadet J.P. and Charvet J. (1983) From Subduction to Paleosubductions in Northem Japan. In: Acnetion Tectonics in the Cimm-Pacific Regions (ed. by Hashimoto, M. and Uyeda, S.), pp. 135-148. TERRAPUB, Tokyo. CassanoE., AnelliL.,FicheraR. andCap pelli V. (1986) Pianura Padana, Interpretazione integrata di dati geofisia e geologia, Agip, 73" Cngr. Soc. &I. It., Rom, 1-22. Castellarin A., Eva C., Giglia G. and Vai G.B. (1985) Analisi strutturale del Fronte Appenninico Padano, G h l e Chamell J.E.T., Oldow J.S., Catalano R. and D'Argenio B. (1990) Paleomagn e t i d y determined rotations in the western Sicilian fold and thrust belt, Tectonics, 9 (4), 641-660. Chopin C. (1984) Coesite and pure pyrope in high grade blueschists of the Western Alps: A first record and some consequences, Contr. Miner. Petrol, 86, Geol., 14,337-381. mic~, Mkn. SOC. $01. Fr., 156,289-302. 219-245.