We have studied reduced TiO 2 (110) surfaces by combining metastable impact electron spectroscopy (MIES) and UPS(HeI). The reduced Ti species were preparation-induced: their number density was modified either by adsorption of K atoms or by a combined annealing/oxygen exposure procedure. The emission from the bandgap state (binding energy 0.9 eV), caused by reduced Ti 3+ 3d species, was monitored. Bandgap emission is seen clearly with UPS(HeI) and thus can be used to monitor the number density of the nearsurface reduced species. A corresponding spectral structure cannot be seen with MIES. We propose that the excess charge density introduced either by preparation-induced oxygen vacancies or by K adsorption is delocalized over several surface and subsurface Ti sites; this, together with the partial shielding of the reduced Ti species, prevents detection of the reduced Ti species with MIES.The re-oxidation and restructuring of the reduced TiO 2 (110) surface, caused by simultaneous oxygen exposure and annealing, was studied at temperatures between 400 and 770 K, again by recording the Ti 3+ 3d emission (0.9 eV bandgap state) with UPS(HeI). The surface can be completely re-oxidized by oxygen exposure at any selected annealing temperature in the range given above. Morphology changes, leading to a partially reduced surface, take place when the re-oxidized surface is further annealed at T > 600 K under reducing conditions. The results give support to the assumption that the re-oxidation is caused by the growth of additional titania whereby the Ti stems from the bulk and the oxygen originates from the gas. The restructuring of the re-oxidized surface upon annealing under reducing conditions appears to be due to diffusion of Ti interstitials to the surface.