Since it was first observed about 40 years ago [1], the peak effect has been the subject of numerous research mainly impelled by the desire to determine its exact mechanisms. Despite these efforts, a consensus on this question has yet to be reached. Experimentally, the peak effect indicates a transition from a depinned vortex phase to a reentrant pinning phase at high magnetic field. To study the effects of intrinsic pinning on the peak effect, we consider FexNi1−xZr2 superconducting metallic glasses in which the vortex pinning force varies depending on the Fe content and in which a huge peak effect is seen as a function of magnetic field. The results are mapped out as a phase diagram in which it is readily seen that the peak effect becomes broader with decreasing pinning force. Typically, pinning can be understood by increased pinning centers, but here, we show that reentrant pinning is due to the strengthening of interactions (while decreasing pinning strength). Our results demonstrate the strengthening of the peak effect by collective effects.Vortices in type II superconductors form a correlated system of interacting particles which can be studied as a function of particle density or driving force by simply tuning the external magnetic field or driving current. While elastic vortex-vortex interactions tend to order the system, vortex-pin interactions result in disorder. An ever intriguing phenomena resulting from this competition between elastic and plastic interactions is the peak effect (PE): an anomalous peak in the critical current J c (or dip in resistance) appearing with increasing temperature or magnetic field just below the transition to the normal state in some conventional superconductors [1,2,3,4,5,6], and at lower field below B c2 in high T c superconductors [7]. In type II superconductors, vortices will depin under the action of a driving force larger than the critical force. As a result of vortex motion, a dissipative voltage proportional to E =v × B wherē v is the average vortex velocity will be induced and a non-zero resistance will be measured. In the PE, some or all (reentrant superconducting phase) the vortices are pinned again, resulting in a decrease of the resistance or an increase of the critical current. The origin of the PE is still under debate. Early, it was suggested to arise due to the softening of the elastic moduli of the vortex lattice [1] and to a decrease of correlation volume V c in the collective pinning theory of Larkin and Ovchinnikov [8]. It has also been proposed to be the signature of a disorderinduced or a thermally-induced order-disorder transition [5,9,10,11,12]. However, it has equally been said to occur naturally at the crossover between a weak to strong vortex pinning regime [13]. It could also simply appear depending on the strength and density of pinning centers, and their competing action depending on magnetic field and temperature [14,15,16]. In general, the dependence of the PE on disorder is strongly dependent on the pinning mechanism: single vortex pinning...