The Regional Water Company (PDAM) of Sleman provides clean water to the community and charges a tariff for each cubic meter of water sold to customers. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 71 of 2016 states that PDAM tariffs requiring a review every four years. Most recently tariffs set by PDAM Sleman was in 2016 therefore it requires a recalculation. Besides that, it is necessary to analyze the tariff acceptance from the service provider and service recipient’s point of view. Calculation tariff method utilized a formula based on the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 71 of 2016. Acceptance analysis conducted by calculating the projection of water sales revenue, the profit to earning assets ratio, and the willingness to pay (WTP) projection of customers. Revenue projections were obtained by multiplying tariffs with the water sold volume. The WTP projection is carried out using the inflation method based on the WTP of PDAM Sleman customers from the 2007’s research. PDAM Sleman tariffs based on calculations resulted low tariffs of IDR3727.48, basic tariffs of IDR4659.36, and full rate of IDR9460.17. Based on the WTP analysis, the tariffs are feasible from the the service recipient’s point of view, which are the PDAM customers, because it is still affordable by customers for their average water consumption. Nevertheless, from the point of view of the service provider, which is PDAM Sleman, the tariffs are not feasible because the profit ratio of 0.31% is still much lower than the fairness profit ratio as 10% amount. Therefore, it is necessary to make tariff adjustments to increase profits. The adjustment strategies such as by determined tariffs only based on consumption blocks without breaking down based on customer group categories and adjusting the range of second and third consumption blocks.