Major functions of iron, as an essential element for living organisms, are oxygen transport and its role in oxidative-reductive reactions that utilize its alternative ferrous--ferric states. Total body iron has to be strictly controlled because excess iron can be highly toxic, leading, through generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), to iron overloading disorders (1, 2). Iron chelating therapy has long been the standard care for patients suffering from Thalassemias (anemias caused by mutation of globin genes) and other anemias, caused e.g. by renal dysfunction (lack of erythropoietin (EPO) production), and for patients receiving transfusion iron supplementation. Iron chelators are used to treat dialyzed patients; in kidney transplantation, cardiac diseases, malaria, iron poisoning, and can inhibit tumor cell growth. They are also used to stimulate EPO production (3-5).Various structures of iron chelates have been investigated but the best known and in use for more than 40 years is desferrioxamine (DFO), despite its poor membrane permeability, short shelf life, difficulties in application and expensiveness. DFO is a natural hydroxamic acid (HA) of the microorganism Streptomyces sp. and belongs to sideropho- The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of N-phthaloyl-glycine-hydroxamic acid (Phth-Gly-HA) as a new iron chelator in vivo to be used in iron overload diseases. After intraperitoneal application of Phth-Gly-HA to male rats (1 mg kg -1 body mass) once a day for seven days, iron serum level decreased by 21%, whereas the iron value dropped by 32% in female rats (1.5 mg kg -1 body mass).The results indicate that the tested substance has the ability to bind serum iron by complexation. Besides transferrin iron release, mobilization of ferritin iron is also possible.