Interturn short circuit faults are the leading cause of power transformer failures. If not quickly detected, these faults usually develop into more serious faults, which would result in irreversible damage to the transformer, unexpected outages, and consequential costs. The aim of this research is to obtain a better understanding of the physical behavior of the power transformers in the presence of interturn faults as well as to discover the best indicators for detection of interturn short circuit faults. To this end, a time stepping finite element model of power transformer has been developed to analyze the transient behavior of a real power transformer when the transformer is working under winding short circuit fault conditions. The transient model, coupled with external circuit equations, allows us to simulate the dynamic behavior of the transformer with the real power supply and external loads connections. The FEM computations show the ability of the electromagnetic flux inside the transformer, transformer terminal currents, and circulating current in the shorted turns as useful monitoring parameters for transformer fault detection.undergoes a gradual aging process before such a fault happens. Aging of the insulation alters the electrical properties of the system adversely and reduces both the mechanical and dielectric-withstand strength. In an aging transformer, the conductor insulation is weakened to the point where it can no longer sustain much additional stress. Under increased stress, for example, because of some external fault, excessive overloading, or an impulse voltage, insulation between adjacent turns suffers a dielectric failure, and a turn-to-turn fault develops. If left undetected, turn faults can propagate, leading to catastrophic phase-ground or phase-phase faults, which will finally cause the whole transformer breakdown. If the fault is detected at an early stage, the damage is minor, and the transformer can be quickly put back into service by just repairing the source of the failure; on the other hand, replacing the whole transformer means increased cost and downtime and decreased quality of service.To make an accurate fault detection system, analyzing the local and global effects of the faults on the transformer behavior is inevitable. There are many technical and economic limitations to generate internal faults in an actual transformer, leading therefore to the use of models of damaged transformers for the purpose of this study. The biggest challenge in modeling the transformer with internal faults is its more complexity, because the electromagnetic field picture, inside the transformer, totally changes because of the fault that will affect the transformer model parameters. Thus, it is difficult to find a suitable way to model the transformer in that condition. Some literatures are available in the field of the internal fault analysis of the transformer [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. The most widely known transformer model to turn faults analysis is the one ...