Comparative analyses of the chlorides of the leaf and stem saps of plants were made electrometrically and volumetrically after ashing and by an electrometric titration of the unaltered saps. The two methods are in close agreement when used upon the acid extracts of plant materials or of their saps.The electrometric titration of chlorides in such acid extracts is preferred to the volumetric method because it is timesaving and because of its greater sensitivity.Chlorides in the saps of some plants can be titrated directly by the electrometric method. The ashing step must be in-Vol. 6, No. 6 eluded in juices, such as those of citrus fruits, that contain appreciable amounts of the salts of weak acids.The electrometric titration of chlorides in ground waters, which contained traces of sulfides and appreciable amounts of sulfates, checked closely with the chromate volumetric method and had a more sensitive end point.