Kirovsk town, located near Hibiny Mountain in the Murmansk region, is known as the industrial center as well as the favorable area for tourism industry development. On the example of Kirovsk town we examined the problem of functional urban zoning of the territory with intensive tourism and recreational development. Based on anintegrated assessment of the territory, analysis of space images and the general scheme of the city development we created the map of functional planning of Kirovsk town and territories of its jurisdiction.
The content of existing and projected planning zoneswas disclosed and detailed. In total 10 categories of urban landuse are identified: residential, public, tourist and recreational, sport, industrial, agricultural lands, parks and forest plantations, etc.
Current spatial-functional conflicts between the zones used for public utilities, industrial facilities and the zones of potential tourism and recreational (mountain skiing) development are defined as well as the recommendations for its mitigations are proposed.
The ecological risks of urban development are analyzed,and the list of environment protection actions is proposed for the functional zones of Kirovsk town. The territories were ranked by favorable and relatively favorable zones of tourist-recreational and sports-recreational developmenttaking into account the identified natural and natural-anthropogenic processes.
The conclusion of necessity to adjust the territorial city structure to its new role of tourism, recreational and ski center is made. The general factors, which should be considered in process of urban development, are identified. They include the comprehensive design of city environment considering the greening, the recultivation of industrial plots, located close to tourism and recreational, public zones of the city center, and the features of urban landscape and revealed risks of natural and natural-anthropogenic processes.