A number of experiments have revealed that matched-case identity PRIME-TARGET pairs are responded to faster than mismatched-case identity prime-TARGET pairs for pseudowords (e.g., JUDPE-JUDPE < judpe-JUDPE), but not for words (JUDGE-JUDGE = judge-JUDGE). These findings suggest that prime-target integration processes are enhanced when the stimuli tap onto lexical representations, overriding physical differences between the stimuli (e.g., case). To track the time course of this phenomenon, we conducted an event-related potential (ERP) masked-priming lexical decision experiment that manipulated matched versus mismatched case identity in words and pseudowords. The behavioral results replicated previous research. The ERP waves revealed that matched-case identity-priming effects were found at a very early time epoch (N/P150 effects) for words and pseudowords. Importantly, around 200 ms after target onset (N250), these differences disappeared for words but not for pseudowords. These findings suggest that different-case word forms (lower-and uppercase) tap into the same abstract representation, leading to prime-target integration very early in processing. In contrast, different-case pseudoword forms are processed as two different representations. This word-pseudoword dissociation has important implications for neural accounts of visual-word recognition.Keywords Masked priming . ERP correlates . N250 . Visual-word recognition Despite the variability in physical appearance of a written word (e.g., house, HOUSE, house), skilled readers are able to access the appropriate lexical entry in a few hundreds of milliseconds. When and how the stimulus features are coded in an abstract manner are the main questions in this article. These are not trivial issues, since this process of abstraction might take place at an individual-letter level, at a graphemic level, at a whole-word level, or even at a semantic level. To make matters even more complex, feedforward and feedback connections might also exist among the levels.There is some consensus among researchers that a word's constituent letters are coded in an abstract form that is independent of its physical features (see Bowers, 2000, andThompson, 2009, for reviews). Although initially the wordprocessing system is sensitive to differences in the visual features of stimuli, these differences are quickly diffused by mapping these features onto unique orthographic abstract representations (see Dehaene, Cohen, Sigman, &Vinckier, 2005, andGrainger, Rey, &Dufau, 2008, for neurally motivated accounts of this phenomenon). The assumption that abstract representations are rapidly accessible during visualword recognition has come mainly from previous experimental evidence using the masked-priming technique (Forster & Davis, 1984; see Grainger, 2008, for a review; see Dehaene et al