The Warwick REDCo community of practice was a group of religious education researchers operating in several contexts: English secondary schools and universities, English and European collaborations on religious education. The group undertook action research, seeking to illustrate and critically assess the interpretive approach to religious education. As a community of practice, processes of mutual conversation and support were prominent in its schedule. In the present article, attention is focused on its findings with regard to pedagogy. Recommendations are offered both for classroom teaching and the preparation of teachers, subject to reinvestigation in new settings. Benefits and conditions for the success of action research and communities of practice are identified, as are issues arising for further investigation. There is brief integration with some emerging European findings.Keywords: action research; community of practice; interpretive approach; religious education; pedagogy Introduction This paper presents the career and findings of an action research community of practice, focused on religious education in several contexts (English secondary schools and universities, together with English and European collaborations on religious education). The background of the group, in religious education research at the University of Warwick, is described, before its theoretical orientations are traced. The process of the group's research is outlined and then attention is given to its findings with regard to pedagogy. Some remarks are offered in relation to the interpretive approach, action research and communities of practice as drivers of pedagogical improvement, and briefly contextualised to some emerging European trends. Finally, issues arising for further investigation are identified.
Background and contextsThere is an established tradition of research into religious education, combining scholarly and empirical work, at the University