Just few centuries back our health concerns were more related to physical illness; a century back we had more concerns related to physiological health problems; since the last few decades we have more mental health concerns. But now with general observation, it seems we have more health concerns related to: emotions, motivations, feelings, imaginations, thoughts, etc.; well-being of all these may be categorized as “Psychological Health”. Though in present scenario “Psychological Health” is a relatively negligible term; may be because it does not attract much commercial interests. But if we analyze, all our being is based on Psychological Health. Psychological Health is based on interaction of our biological system with the society and the nature. Biological aspects needs biological intervention, and social and nature interactions needs psychological intervention; hence interdisciplinary. Majority of the health issues like cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, depression, etc., has some link with Psychological Health. Quality sleep which is the basis of almost all health aspects has direct link with psychological health. Our behavior, relevancy and efficiency of our working, our comprehending ability, etc., are based on our Psychological Status. Thus we can say our happiness depends on Physiological Health; as better health, and better performance and good behavior, makes us happy and satisfied. We have explored in this article importance of Psychological Health, in context to overall health related to: thoughts, superiority, romance, learning, physical activity, etc; and for what interventions can be made, at both psychological and physical level. As our topic may interest even common individual, hence language has been purposely kept simple.