The purpose of this article is to define the main characteristics of the facilitative interaction, to show the socio-genetic mechanism of facilitation, the mechanism of cultural transmission, to provide the principles of facilitative interaction in the process of interpersonal communication, to present facilitation as a phenomenon of interpersonal communication, which greatly enhances the productivity of education or upbringing of the subjects of the educational process due to their harmonious, democratic style of communication and tolerant, empathetic qualities of the teacher's personality.The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.The results of the research. We proved that facilitation is a phenomenon of interpersonal communication, which greatly enhances the productivity of education or upbringing of the subjects of the educational process due to their harmonious, democratic style of communication and tolerant, empathetic qualities of the teacher's personality. Facilitative communication generates the most positive motives, and such learning motives, in turn, create positive preconditions not only for the student to take a certain conscious position («And I can» or «And I will do this»), but also for harmonious cognitive activity in order to acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, due to which he/she develops a desire to learn. Facilitating teachers are supposed «to provoke» the independence and to create the conditions for responsible freedom of students. These points must be taken into account when teachers draw up curricula and programs, and when formulating learning objectives, and when evaluating the results of educational activity. All this factors will create the most favorable conditions for independent and meaningful learning of students, activating their cognitive motives, stimulating curiosity, which, above all, will actualize the manifestations of solidarity and cooperation, interaction and mutual assistance in the educational process. All this, in turn, facilitates a high level of cognitive functioning, the whole educational paradigm.We think that the reform of the educational system should be based on the restructuring of stable personal attitudes of the teacher, which are explained in the processes of his/her interpersonal interaction with students. We identify three main guidelines of the teacher-facilitator. The first is «truth» and «open-"ПРОБЛЕМИ СУЧАСНОЇ ПСИХОЛОГІЇ"