The Pallaskenry Borehole, Co. Limerick, Ireland provides an almost complete Courceyan (Dinantian) succession from Old Red Sandstone facies up to Waulsortian limestones. A revised lithostratigraphic‐al nomenclature for this succession is presented. Examination of the conodont and coral faunas in the borehole has enabled biozones to be defined which can be recognized throughout the Limerick Province. Biostratigraphical correlations are made with Courceyan successions at Hook Head, Co. Wexford, in the Mendip Hills and in Knap Farm Borehole in the Southwestern Province of Britain. Conodont taxa show a clear distinction betweeen the shelf faunas of the Limerick Province, Hook Head and eastern Mendip, and distal shelf faunas from south Cork, Knap Farm and Dinant, Belgium, which probably reflect their different palaeogeographical positions.
Acknowledgements. The authors wish to express their thanks to Professor G. D. Sevastopulo, Drs. R. L. Austin, J. R. Nudds and P. Strogen and Mr. M. Mitchell for constructive criticism of the manuscript. We would also like to thank Dr. T. R. Reilly, Mr. C. McDermot and Dr. A. Sleeman of the Geological Survey of Ireland, and Dr. M. E. Philcox for fruitful discussion on the Iithostratig‐raphical nomenclature. G. LI. Jones was a Research Fellow at Trinity College, Dublin during the period of this work. He was funded through the Upper Palaeozoic Atlas of Ireland (UPAIR) Project, financed by the Department of Energy and administered through the Geological Survey of Ireland and Trinity College. He gratefully acknowledges the organization and supervision provided by Professors C. H. Holland and G. D. Sevastopulo and Dr. D. Naylor; and the assistance with conodont processing given by Ms. B. Thornbury. Thanks are also extended to Mr. J. Kennedy and Mr. P. Moffat for assistance with the diagrams.