Diabetes may bring with it many emotional problems about which many patients may not be able to easily express their feelings. This has been recognised by physicians and some experiments in the use of psychotherapy have been tried. Art therapy is used in the treatment of mental handicap and mental illness and, as a diabetic, I have successfully used art to help me to cope with my condition. Given appropriate facilities such as a diabetes day centre, art therapy could be offered to patients as another means of coping with the problems of their diabetes. The effectiveness of art therapy needs to be properly evaluated. 2. Walta FN. Behavioumlaspects of the management of diabetes mellitus, education, seu care and metaboliccontrol. Behav Res and Therapy, 1980; I& 3. Tallenall RE. Psychiatricaspects of diabetes: a physician's view. Brit J Psychiatr, 1981; 139 485-93. 4. Dupuls A. Assessment of the psychological factors and responses in seu-managed patients. Diabetes Care, 1980; 3 117-20. 5. Sanders K. Mllls 1, Mukin FIR el al. Emotional attitudes in adult insulin dependent diabetics. J. Psychosom Res. 1975; 19: 241-6. 6 TallenaU RE, MrCuUorh DK m d Avrlinc M.Group therapy in the treatment of diabetes. Diabetes Care, 1985; 8: 180-8. 7. De h u w and Rowz A. Artistic expression of anxiety in adolescent diabetes. Diabetic Medicine. 1985; 2 61. 8. Croen JJ and P e k r HE. Discussion groups for patients with diabetes (Translation). Dutch Journal of Medicine, 1981; 1 1 : 257-64. 9. Pelrer HE, Groen JJ and de Lange S. Experiences in group discussion 'with diabetic patients. Psychother. Psychosom, 1979: 3 2 257-69. 10. Ling P, Lovesay JM, Mayon-While V A el a1. The diabetic clinic dinosaur is dying: will diabetic day units evolve? Diabetic Medicine. 1985; 2: 163-5. 1979; 2: 227-32. 171-80.