where B is an effective external magnetic field for the central spin [53], N is the number of spins in the bath, A j is the transverse coupling amplitude, and ∆ j is the longitudinal interaction. The model (1) is integrable if ∆ j and A j are related through ∆ 2 j −A 2 j = Const., see [32,38,39]. Although this type of models, e.g. (1), were known as an exactly solvable model long time ago [50], the binomial sets of Bethe ansatz roots C M N +1 impose a big numerical challenge in calculation of quantum dynamics of this model [6, 7,36,37]. Here M is the number of total down spins in the system. Importance of Hamiltonian (1) is in its promising applications to realistic problems in quantum metrology, based on Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) centers [54], highly symmetric molecules with N nuclear spins coupled to the nuclear spin of a central atom [5, 55], etc.The general central spin problem with non-uniform couplings, for example, A j = A exp(−α(j − 1)/N ) where α is the inhomogeneity parameter, is integrable but its