The term "cloud computing" refers to a variety of tools and applications used byorganizations to manage their work processes online. Apart from providing theexpected benefits, the gadgets and applications of the cloud are helpful for education.The purpose of this study is not to examine the outcomes of cloud computing inuniversities, but to examine how students use cloud applications. A survey researchdesign was used to examine how students of Kurukshetra University use cloudcomputing applications. 200 students from the streams of science, management, socialscience, and arts were randomly selected to answer a structured questionnaire. Aresponse rate of 95% was achieved by 48 students in Science, 50 in Management, 48in Social Science, and 44 in Arts who completed and returned the questionnaire on time.The analyzed data is presented in a table that includes the Likert scale mean, standarddeviation, and the cross-table Chi-square test. In the study, most students highlypreferred G Suite Cloud (57%) and Microsoft (40%) learning applications. It can beseen from the study that WhatsApp (98%), Facebook (96%), and YouTube (97%) arethe most preferred cloud-based social media among the students, most studentspreferred Google Meet (95%) and Zoom (91%) meeting application, and most studentspreferred Google Drive (68%) and pCloud (67%) for data storage.