Abstract-The electrical properties of many materials are closely related to their composition and to their moisture content in particular. For sensor development, characterising the response of a particular volume of material over a broad frequency range is desirable, since separate measurements could generate errors due to spatial variability. A coaxial probe has been designed for measurement of the permittivity of smooth and flat, solid or liquid samples over the frequency range from 1 Hz to 6 GHz. Although the probe is capable of a very wide frequency range, separate instruments are generally required, and here we focus on measurements above 1MHz. We demonstrate measurements in the frequency domain using a vector network analyser, and in the time domain using a broadband oscilloscope. For switching, we employed a coaxial switch and demonstrate how that is included within the instrument calibration. Calibration of the probe used three references: an open circuit, short circuit (indium foil) and a reference liquid, ideally chosen for a permittivity similar to that of the sample. The sample complex permittivity was calculated by a numerical model which used as inputs, the measured reflection coefficient and physical measurements of the probe geometry.Index terms: coaxial probe, spectroscopy, calibration, broadband, network analyser.
I INTRODUCTIONThe dairy, timber, wool, and many other primary processing industries demand rapid on-line measurement of product properties, particularly moisture. The chief advantage of the dielectric measuring technique is its relatively low cost compared with neutron backscatter, X-ray analysis, and magnetic resonance imaging. Dielectric techniques are also non-ionising, and offer clean, rapid, on-line measurements of bulk material, suited to many diverse products. For a particular product, there will be one or more frequency ranges where the dielectric constant has the highest sensitivity to changes in moisture content (or other The chosen measurement frequency for determining moisture content or composition may lie within a very broad range. Reasons for choosing a particular frequency will include sensitivity of the reading to changes in moisture content and the dependence of the reading on other parameters such as density and dielectric loss. For a particular polar molecular species, as the frequency is increased, the dielectric loss reaches a maximum and is accompanied by a reduction in the permittivity. The frequency of maximum loss is the relaxation frequency, and for free water begins to significantly affect the dielectric properties above approximately 3 GHz. In contrast, the relaxation frequency for bound water is typically 100 MHz [3]. Electrical conductivity is directly useful at low frequencies, particularly for materials with low moisture content where it provides a very useful measure of moisture content, and at high frequencies where it influences the dielectric loss. Apart from the Maxwell-Wagner effect which is caused by conducting inclusions in a dielectric, the p...