The reaction Li 7 (d,a)He 5 was studied with the use of coincidence circuitry and solid-state chargedparticle detectors. Targets of natural and isotopic lithium were bombarded with 150-200 keV deuterons, and a particles emitted at laboratory angles of 90 and 82 deg were detected in coincidence. The (d,a) reaction proceeding to the ground state of He 5 was observed, its differential cross section at 90 deg was measured relative to that for Li 6 (d,a)ce, and a value of 2.4_i,o +1 -5 was assigned to the parameter A in the function /(0) = 1-K4 sin30 which describes the center-of-mass ce-particle distribution resulting from the disintegration of He 5 . The first excited state of He 5 was found to have an excitation energy of 2.6±0.4 MeV and a width of 4.0±1.0 MeV. The intensity of the excited state alpha group was greater than that of the ground-state group by a factor of about 1.5. There was no evidence for any other excited state up to at least 7 MeV. The ratio of the differential cross sections at 90 deg for Li 6 (d,p)Li 7 and Li 6 (d,a)a was determined for several values of Ed and found to agree with reported cross-section data. 9 F.