The dissociation of the ϳ3500-kDa hexagonal bilayer (HBL) hemoglobin (Hb) 27؊ (AsW) at neutral pH was followed by gel filtration, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Elution curves were fitted to sums of exponentially modified gaussians to represent the peaks due to undissociated oxyHb, D (ϳ200 kDa), T؉L (ϳ50 kDa), and M (ϳ25 kDa) (T ؍ disulfide-bonded trimer of chains a-c, M ؍ chain d, and L ؍ linker chains). OxyHb dissociation decreased in the order Gdm⅐SCN > Gdm⅐Cl > urea > Gdm⅐OAc and AsW > SbW > SiW. Scanning transmission electron microscopy mass mapping of D showed ϳ10-nm particles with masses of ϳ200 kDa, suggesting them to be dodecamers (a؉b؉c) 3 d 3 . OxyHb dissociations in urea and Gdm⅐Cl and at alkaline pH could be fitted only as sums of 3 exponentials. The time course of D was bell-shaped, indicating it was an intermediate. Dissociations in SiW and upon conversion to metHb showed only two phases. The kinetic heterogeneity may be due to oxyHb structural heterogeneity. Formation of D was spontaneous during HBL reassembly, which was minimal ( 10%) without Group IIA cations. During reassembly, maximal (ϳ60%) at 10 mM cation, D occurs at constant levels (ϳ15%), implying the dodecamer to be an intermediate.