SummaryAim: The general aim of this multiannual research project was the exploration of the links between traumatizing life events and current functioning.
Material and methods:The research project was based on a sequential design. It included an exploratory study with 206 persons experiencing exclusion and marginalization, followed by a confirmatory study with 195 persons. We present the confirmatory study results, as well as a meta-analysis of both studies. Both studies were based on an integrated quantitative and qualitative research methodology, combining a semi-structured biographical interview, psychometric scales (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Index of WellBeing) and a projective test (Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank). We developed original rating scales for the semi-structured interview and the answers to the Rotter test, allowing a step from qualitative analysis to inferential and multidimensional statistics.
Results:With the help of appropriate multidimensional statistical procedures applied to the semi-structured interview (linear principal components analysis) and the Rotter test (multiple correspondence analysis), we were able to draw out differential types of personality functioning based on the prevalent defense mechanisms and coping strategies, linked either to a succession of traumatic events, such as neglect, maltreatment and multiple losses occurring since childhood, or to recent catastrophes. The comparative study of the answers to the Rotter test in the first and third person pointed to differences in the expression of conscious and unconscious needs. Configural frequency analysis applied to HADS identified specific types that could correspond to variants of borderline functioning. The meta-analysis of the exploratory and confirmatory findings showed convergent results at several fundamental dimensions. Our results supported the traumatogenic hypothesis of borderline functioning and pointed towards a partial overlapping of the concepts of splitting and dissociation.Conclusions: More long-term evaluation studies of appropriate psychotherapeutic measures are needed. From the methodological point of view, the most appropriate strategy might be a mixed-methods design combining data from different sources (semi-structured interviews, psychometric scales, projective tests, etc.) and respecting the person-centered approach. This approach combines objectivity with subjectivity in an optimal manner. life traumas/borderline functioning/complex post-traumatic states/meta-analysis/sequential research designWe present some data of a confirmatory study belonging to a multi-annual research project. The overall research results were described in internal research reports. The aim of the study was to highlight the links between traumatizing life events occurring since childhood and current structural organization of personality, with dif-