During gestation, fetal lungs produce large quantities of fluid which contribute substantially to the amniotic fluid, particularly in the guinea-pig, where production rates appear to be higher than those for urine (Strang, 1991;Perks et al. 1992). This production is based on a Na¤-K¤-2Cl¦ cotransport system, probably located in type II cells (Strang, 1991). However, at birth it is vital for this process to be replaced by fluid reabsorption, and it is generally agreed that this is brought about by an amiloride-sensitive, Na¤-based transport system, probably augmented by colloid osmotic effects (Strang, 1991). The first agent shown to activate fluid reabsorption was adrenaline (sheep: Walters & Olver, 1978; goat: Perks & Cassin, 1989). However, in the guinea-pig, reabsorption can be produced by both adrenaline and noradrenaline, which, unlike the â_receptor activation in sheep, act through Journal of Physiology (1998), 513.1, pp. 283-294
283The effect of dopamine on lung liquid production by in vitro lungs from fetal guinea-pigs 1. The neuroendocrine system of the lungs has no clear function. However, previous studies of one of its products, somatostatin, have implicated it in lung liquid removal at birth. The present study extends this concept by investigating the effects of dopamine, a major product of this system, on lung liquid reabsorption. 2. The effects of dopamine on fetal lung liquid production and reabsorption were tested on in vitro lungs from fetal guinea-pigs of 60 ± 2 days of gestation (term = 67 days). Dopamine was placed in the outer bathing saline during the middle hour of 3 h incubations. Fluid movements across the pulmonary epithelium were monitored by a dye dilution method, and changes in rates over 1 h intervals were tested for significance by analysis of variance and regression analysis. 3. Dopamine was able to reduce fluid production or cause reabsorption (based on 42 preparations). Control preparations and those given 10¦Ì Ò dopamine showed no significant changes; those given higher concentrations showed significant reductions in production or reabsorption (P < 0·025 to P < 0·0005), according to dose (42·6 ± 10·8 % reduction at 10¦Ê Ò; 75·4 ± 5·9 % reduction at 10¦É Ò; 92·1 ± 7·0 % reduction at 10¦Ç Ò and 121·4 ± 12·8 % (reabsorption) at 10¦AE Ò dopamine). The linear log dose-response curve (r = 0·99) showed a theoretical threshold at 1·7 ² 10¦Í Ò dopamine. 4. Effects were mediated through specific dopamine receptors (based on 78 preparations).Dopamine at 10¦É Ò was tested together with each of three dopamine receptor antagonists at 10¦Ç Ò. The general dopamine receptor antagonist haloperidol and the more specific Dµ receptor blocker domperidone both abolished responses, but the D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 was without effect. This suggested that Dµ dopamine receptors mediated the responses, and that responses were not due to conversion of dopamine to adrenaline or noradrenaline. 5. There was no evidence that responses involved amiloride-sensitive Na¤ transport (based on 54 preparat...