In a cOllcentrated polymer solution, the entanglement of long-chain molecules results in a transient network structure, to which may be attribu ted certain aspects of the viscoelastic behavior of such a system. A sui table mechanical model for rcpresenting this network a s a first approximat ion is a retarded Maxwell element with one spring and two dashpots.Experimental measurements of mechanical properties of polymer solut ions may be made eit h er by periodic deformat ion under conditions where inertia forces can be neglected or by propagation of transverse waves. Th e data are expr essed in terms of frequency-dependent parameters from which can be d erived the constants of t he correspo!1ding m echanical model. A solution o f polystyrene in xylene is cited as an exampl e. In this case, analysis in term s of a . recent theory of Kuhn suggests t hat elastic energy may be stored in the network strands by twist a gains t t he potential hindering free rotation about bonds in t he chains.
I. Entanglement in Concentrated SolutionsThe polymer solutions discussed in this paper lie in the concen t ration range from 5 to 50 percent-more concentrated than the very dilute solutions commonly used for measurements of viscosity and osmotic pressure and other properties from which the behavior of single molecules is deduced, but more dilute than the usual commercial plastic, which may contain from 50 to 100 percen t of polymer mixed with a plasticizer. Solutions in this range are u sed in plastics technology-in spinnin g, extrusion , and coating processes. Aside from their technical importance, they are of interest because of their remarkable mechanical, optical, and dielectric properties. Their mechanical properties are intermediate between those of solids and liquids; these solutions are both viscous and elastic.Examples may be cited to illustrate three very different types. Lightly vulcanized rubber swollen in cyclohexane to a concentration of 20 percent is a quivery, elastic gel. A variety of evidence shows that th e long-chain molecules are bound togeth er at widely spaced points by primary chemical bonds, forming a network: that can be broken only by ch emical deeomposition; but there I Thi~as presented as part of tbe 1946--47 series of lectures on t be P ropert ies of Hi gh Pol ymers given at the Kational Bureau of Stand ards., Department of Chemistry, U ni versity of Wisconsin .Viscoelastic Properties is· very little hindrance to motion of the chains except for these occasional cross-links. Polyvinyl chloride dissolved in cyclohcxanone at the same concentration is a sluggish gel. Ther e ar e no primary bonds, as shown by the fact that the gel can be dissolved by adding more solven t. N cvertheless, the tendency of polyvinyl chloride m olecules to associate, segmentwise, with dipole interaction (as shown by the ready formation of crystallinc regions in the solid state [1] 3 and association in dilute solution [2]) , makes plausible the conccpt that there is a network here, also, held together by secondary bonds caused ...