I n the problems involving neutron reflection by a curved surface of a heavy concrete shield it is useful to find a simple formula depending upon both the curvature and the incident angle for the purpose of describing the fast neutron albedo calculations. The motivation of the present work was t o develop a pseudo emprical formula in order to calculate the energy flus albedo resulted from fast neutron reflection from ordinary heavy concrete shield with different curvatures. The present calculation were performed using three selected neutron source energies (I, 6, and 15 MeV) ; as well as five incident angles so, 30", 46", 50", and 60" and five radii of curvature (flat, 100 cm, 50 cm, 20 cm, and 5 cm).The derivation was based mainly on using the fast neutron calct~lations carried using the Monte Carlo transport code [ 11.Earlier measurements and calculations in order to determine the integral gamma energy, albedo as a function of the surfaces curvature were reported in the literature [2-41. In one of these works by Viktorof et al. [2]; the gamma energy albedo measurements were performed for both hemispherical and cylindrical scatterers of plexiglass and aluminium as well as for cylindrical scatterers of water and concrete (e = 2.2 gm/ cm3), using intial gamma energies of 0.661 MeV and 1.25 MeV. I n their work the curvature radii investigated ranged from 5 to 15 cm. I n the present investigation the experimental albedo data obtained by Viktorof et al. [4] in combination with the Monte Carlo code previously reported were utilized in order to fit an espression of the type: where A E ( p o R , ) is the integral flux energy albedo of a curved wall, -AE(-) is the integral flux energy albedo of a flat wall; R, is the curvature radius and po is the attention factor of the investigation concrete. Taking into account that n = 1 if R 5 l f p o ; n = 112 if M 2 l/po and a = 0.37 f 0.25 E 112, where E, is the initial gamma energy in MeV. Expression ( I ) is valid for serveral materials and and its application will be limited only in the case of normal incidence. A similar pseudo emprical formula for neutrons of the same type used in gamma calculations was mainly developed based on the application of the fast neutron albedo calculations reported previously by Sayecl Ahmed et al. [.?I.