Over the past two decades, with the advent and adoption of highly active anti-retroviral therapy, HIV-1 infection, a once fatal and acute illness, has transformed into a chronic disease with people living with HIV (PWH) experiencing increased rates of cardio-pulmonary vascular diseases including life-threatening pulmonary hypertension. Moreover, the chronic consequences of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use are increasingly seen in older PWH. Drug use, specifically, can have pathologic effects on the cardiovascular health of these individuals. The "double hit" of drug use and HIV may increase the risk of HIV-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (HIV-PAH) and potentiate right heart failure in this population. This article explores the epidemiology and pathophysiology of PAH associated with HIV and recreational drug use and describes the proposed mechanisms by which HIV and drug use, together, can cause pulmonary vascular remodeling and cardiopulmonary hemodynamic compromise. In addition to detailing the proposed cellular and signaling pathways involved in the development of PAH, this article proposes areas ripe for future research, including the influence of gut dysbiosis and cellular senescence on the pathobiology of HIV-PAH.