Hexameric AAA1 ATPases induce conformational changes in a variety of macromolecules. AAA1 structures contain the nucleotide-binding P-loop with the Walker A sequence motif: GxxGxGK(T/S). A subfamily of AAA1 sequences contains Asn in the Walker A motif instead of Thr or Ser. This noncanonical subfamily includes torsinA, an ER protein linked to human dystonia and DnaC, a bacterial helicase loader. Role of the noncanonical Walker A motif in the functionality of AAA1 ATPases has not been explored yet. To determine functional effects of introduction of Asn into the Walker A sequence, we replaced the Walker-A Thr with Asn in ClpB, a bacterial AAA1 chaperone which reactivates aggregated proteins. We found that the T-to-N mutation in Walker A partially inhibited the ATPase activity of ClpB, but did not affect the ClpB capability to associate into hexamers. Interestingly, the noncanonical Walker A sequence in ClpB induced preferential binding of ADP vs. ATP and uncoupled the linkage between the ATP-bound conformation and the high-affinity binding to protein aggregates. As a consequence, ClpB with the noncanonical Walker A sequence showed a low chaperone activity in vitro and in vivo. Our results demonstrate a novel role of the Walker-A Thr in sensing the nucleotide's c-phosphate and in maintaining an allosteric linkage between the P-loop and the aggregate binding site of ClpB. We postulate that AAA1 ATPases with the noncanonical Walker A might utilize distinct mechanisms to couple the ATPase cycle with their substrate-remodeling activity.