Cyanoethylated cotton has been subjected to treatment with excess 1% aqueous sodium hydroxide at temperatures of 22°, 60°, and 97° C. Rates of cleavage of cyanoethyl groups at these temperatures have been determined. Resistance to rotting is destroyed by re moval of part of the cyanoethyl groups. Heat resistance is decreased by the alkaline treatment, but only to the extent that nitrogen is removed. It appears that heat resistance is directly proportional to the nitrogen content regardless of the previous history of the sample. Dyeing characteristics, measured by a differential staining technique, show reversion to the color of untreated cotton even though only half the nitrogen is removed. Physical properties are not adversely affected by alkaline hydrolysis. Tenacity in creases as groups are cleaved but does not return to the original value of the gray yarn. This is the usual case with other cellulose derivatives. The knot strength data do not indicate brittleness. Hydrolysis has little effect on elongation.